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Program Status

Start Date
April 19, 2023
End Date
March 31, 2025

About the Program

Welcoming Newcomers is a wage incentive program for employers to recruit professionally skilled, internationally trained workers.

Integrating Foreign-Trained Professionals

Labour demand shortages across the electricity sector continue to dominate industry concerns and priorities. Canada’s electricity sector requires more skilled workers as our nation charts a path to net-zero.

Newcomers to Canada represent a significant and highly motivated talent force with the will, skills and competencies to fill key positions and strengthen workforce diversity. This new EHRC program will be instrumental in helping newcomers achieve timely employment with the benefit of job readiness and job search skills.

Two female electricity employees reviewing a tablet

A wage-subsidy of up to 50%, or $10,000 maximum, for the cost of first few months onboarding is available to eligible employers. Below you will find information about eligibility requirements and an overview of the process, as well as the forms to complete to pursue this opportunity.

Our goal is to accelerate the electricity sector’s workforce integration of highly skilled newcomers by generating 100 foreign-trained newcomer participants. Funding will be provided to the first employers who apply and meet the eligibility requirements. We encourage employers to act swiftly – competing industries are actively recruiting from this newcomer talent pool.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility is dependent on the participant, employer (organization-wide) and nature of employment. Disclaimer: EHRC reserves the right to apply additional criteria to eligibility to ensure national and equitable representation of our funded programs.

Funding for Futures Placement Management Process

Employer submits application

Participant sends eligibility form

Processing time: up to 10 business days

Contract for successful placements signed by Employer, Participant and EHRC

Employer and Participant create a Learning Plan

Employer submits monthly claims for reimbursement

Employer completes evaluation survey

Participant completes evaluation survey

Funded placement ends


EHRC is grateful for the support of the following organizations on the steering committee for this project.


This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Foreign Credential Recognition Program.