Wind Turbine Technician
Wind Turbine Technician's work involves maintaining, testing and repairing mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment.

Job Requirements
A Wind Turbine Technicians’s work involves maintaining, testing and repairing mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment.
Educational Requirements:
Completion of post-secondary diploma program.
Applicable Transferrable Sectors and Occupations:
Industrial/Construction Electrician
National Occupational Standard
NOS are a benchmark of the knowledge and abilities needed to be competent in a particular occupation. Developed by current job incumbents, NOS are a collection of the individual competencies that make up the whole picture of an occupation.
Working Conditions

- Wind Turbine Technicians spend their days outside and are exposed to harsh weather conditions, that can include intense heat and cold, wind and rain.
- Wind Turbine Technicians are required to work from heights on a daily basis, within the nacelle, along the vertical tower, within the spinner and inside the blades, on the exterior of the nacelle, and in the transfer area (outside or in the basement of the tower). Areas are accessed via ladders and small access hatched. Standing and work surfaces are typically curved, often without footholds (except within the nacelle) and may be slippery.
- They are required to work in tight and confined spaces; many work areas do not have sufficient clearance to stand upright.
- Wind Turbine Technicians require manual dexterity, flexibility and physical strength to complete their work.