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Get to know Electricity Human Resources Canada

The electricity industry is rapidly changing. The emergence of new technology, electrification of sectors of the economy that have not previously been electric, and decarbonization more generally are resulting in a need to attract skilled people to the industry in numbers that the sector has not previously needed to. Canada is embarking on a nation-building exercise unlike any in recent history – and Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is on the front line of labour market intelligence and workforce planning. EHRC conducts comprehensive labour market intelligence (LMI) to understand where there are emerging employment gaps in the industry, and emerging new roles. That data is then translated to actionable programs to encourage more diverse hiring and retention, appealing to more youth audiences and ensuring succession planning, change management and knowledge transfer is occurring grounded in best-practices across the industry. If it involves working with people in the sector – EHRC is there.

Connecting & Convening

Bringing together employers, workers, labour, educators, government and other stakeholders.

Industry Research

Understanding Canada’s electricity workforce and anticipating the needs of tomorrow.

Actionable Solutions

Thought leadership that creates programs, resources and tools to address the needs of our sector.

Mission, Vision, Values

Electricity Human Resources Canada is a non-profit organization supporting the human resources needs of the Canadian electricity and renewable energy sector.

Our Vision

  • Building a world-class electricity workforce.

Our Mission

  • To strengthen the Canadian electricity workforce to be safety-focused, innovative, and inclusive.

Our Mandate

We are a values-driven organization, committed to the improvement of our sector, the growth of Canada’s economy, and the stability of our power grid. Our core mandate is to:

  • Deliver critical business intelligence to inform labour market decision-making.
  • Forge partnerships that enable the industry to adapt, up-skill and innovate.
  • Inspire our future workforce to build a low carbon economy.
  • Lead the industry in creating and sustaining a skilled and inclusive workforce.
Two workers in safety gear inspecting some solar panels

Meet the EHRC Team

EHRC strives to live our core values: Collaboration, Trust and Innovation. It is through these values that the team is able to do the work we do for Canada's electricity industry, everyday.

Board of Directors

EHRC relies on the guidance provided by its dedicated volunteer Board of Directors.

Contact Us

Electricity Human Resources Canada is a non-profit organization supporting the human resources needs of the Canadian electricity and renewable energy sector.

How may we help you?