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About This Toolkit

Considering the gender gaps in the electricity industry, further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and recognizing the urgent need for transformative change, Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is pleased to present this comprehensive toolkit. The objective of this toolkit is to address the gender imbalance and the various intersectional barriers faced by women in this field. We aim to create an inclusive, fair and diverse workforce to drive systemic change and propel our industry towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Before the pandemic, women held 13% of leadership positions, 27% of professional roles, and 5% of manufacturing positions within the electricity sector. Women have encountered challenges such as discrimination, lack of mentorship opportunities and an unfavourable work culture when entering or participating in this field. The COVID-19 crisis has shed light on these existing disparities while exacerbating inequalities across our nation. As governments prioritize economic recovery efforts, we must take advantage of this moment to expedite shifts in support of women’s advancement within a sustainable and environmentally conscious economy.

EHRC has observed initiatives within the sector aimed at implementing formal policies that promote gender diversity and inclusion.
An electricity industry professional who is a woman standing over a solar panel
An electricity industry professional who is in a wheelchair doing an inspection

However, progress in addressing these issues has been frustratingly slow. There is widespread uncertainty about how to implement these policies practically. Additionally, there is a lack of understanding regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Many mistakenly believe that we have already achieved equality and that our work is finished. At the time, recent surveys indicate that women working in this sector feel their employers are unaware of their obstacles.

To address these challenges, EHRC’s project aims to overcome the hurdles that women encounter in recruitment, hiring, onboarding and retention within the electricity industry. This toolkit provides resources and tools to empower individuals to bring about meaningful systemic change. Like all of EHRC’s initiatives, this project will follow the Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) framework and take an intersectional approach to understanding systemic barriers. We address the various intersecting identities among our target population by considering location, socioeconomic status and cultural diversity. We are committed to involving various stakeholders, using reliable data collection methods and developing strategic plans to prevent unintended negative consequences.


This project funded in part by Women and Gender Equality Canada