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From Electricity Human Resources Canada’s Director of Programs, Mark Chapeskie.

We find ourselves in an unprecedented, global pandemic, and no sector is operating as usual. Even the electricity sector, which is working to keep the lights on across Canada, is making changes to prioritize the health and safety of staff and communities while keeping important utilities operating.

We’ve heard from employers that are uncertain if they should continue placing students as part of our Empowering Futures Program. We’ve discussed this a great deal, and we strongly believe that with the right safety and operational supports in place, you should continue to hire students for co-op and other placements. Here’s why:

Empowering Futures is still available, and our team is here to support you with your work-integrated learning needs.

While we believe you should continue hiring students, it is important to make sure you’re providing a safe and healthy work environment to the best of your ability. We have some advice that can also help you with that:

I know this is a difficult time, and we’re all learning and adapting our operations constantly. As much as possible, and as safe as possible, we must ensure the continuity of our work and the economic and educational impacts it has. Don’t forget: we’re in this together, and EHRC is here to support you.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program.