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April 29, Ottawa—Today, Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) released 11 new National Occupational Standards (NOS) with a focus on green occupations in the electricity sector. This work will be foundational to workforce development as Canada charts a path to a more carbon-free economy.

In the context of rapid technological and demographic change, the skills, knowledge and abilities required for various job functions across the sector are evolving, and in some cases, newly emerging. EHRC’s NOS profiles provide benchmarks for these skills and can be used by employers, educators, labour and policymakers for curriculum and training plans, reskilling and upskilling and broader workforce planning.

These NOS are the culmination of extensive consultations with industry subject matter experts from across Canada. The NOS provide a comprehensive description of the requirements for an occupation. The profile includes a competency chart which provides an overview of skills and competencies for a snapshot of the occupation.

Wesley Johnston, Vice President of Business Development, Finance and Operations at the Canadian Renewable Energy Association, is excited for what the NOS means for Canada’s electricity sector. “The energy landscape in Canada is rapidly evolving, with tremendous growth in renewable energy and energy storage, and the adoption of new, smart technologies. The NOS that EHRC has developed will help standardize the occupations needed for our sector, reducing effort and improving outputs for employers, workers and educators.”

In the case of many of these occupations, requirements can vary from province to province or jobsite to jobsite. The NOS aim to provide a national standard to ensure worker safety, transferability, easy up-skilling and quality control. The project has been extensively validated by industry stakeholders to ensure cutting-edge information.

“The electricity sector is not a just-in-time workforce. NOS address a critical gap in knowledge that will allow employers, educators and policy-makers to make informed decisions for the skills they’ll need in the future,” said Michelle Branigan, CEO of EHRC. “Competencies also provide key information that can be used by current employees and jobseekers to map their pathways to enter or advance in the sector.”

The 11 profiles launched today are:

Four more profiles will be released in the coming months. All NOS and Competency Charts are available on EHRC’s website here

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program.

About Electricity Human Resources Canada

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is Canada’s most trusted source of objective human resources information and tools to help the Canadian electricity industry match workforce supply and demand. EHRC is a not-for-profit organization helping to keep the lights on in Canada by enabling a world-class workforce for the entire electricity industry.


Chris Lawson
Director of Marketing and Communications
613-235-5540 ext. 239