Workforce Transitions: LMI for Alberta’s Energy Sector 2017-2022
Providing data about demographics, major investments, labour market changes, training programs, and HR management practices in Alberta's electricity sector.
EHRC Labour Market Intelligence 2017-2022 Report
Workforce Transitions reports on a study undertaken by Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) and funded by the Government of Alberta. It examines the labour market needs of the province’s electricity sector, including its hiring projections, renewable integration, and the impact of innovation on the skills of the future workforce.
The report covers anticipated transitions and changes from 2017-2022 in more than 23 key occupations. It provides new evidence about demographics, major investments, labour market changes, training programs, and HR management practices. It also serves as a call to action: to support sector HR management planning and to provide new information on best practices for transitioning workforces.