Like other small businesses, some Aboriginal businesses are experiencing challenges in wading through the myriad of requirements contained in formal RFPs and tender documents. They need information on the typical procurement process and the basic requirements to do business with a firm. They would benefit from a better understanding of standard procurement arrangements and how to qualify for them, such as preferred supplier lists used by large companies. For the industries that use them, and most do in some form, being on the pre-qualified suppliers list is extremely important.
The Diagnostic of Aboriginal Procurement Strategies project was funded by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada in 2011. This project was designed to look at procurement strategies within the electricity and renewables industry for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal businesses. The project identified several specific challenges in Aboriginal procurement and provided solutions to help overcome these barriers. These challenges and solutions, as well as other project elements, can be found in the project report.
Project Report
The report identifies ways that businesses operating in the electricity and renewables sector can increase their procurement of goods and services from Aboriginal businesses. A considerable part of the report is devoted to a description of the strategic and operational dimensions of the procurement process. This report also includes case studies that illustrate the ways companies in the sector are developing supplier relationships with Aboriginal businesses. The case studies also serve as an industry diagnostic illustrating the range of business and procurement opportunities that will be available to Aboriginal businesses. Industry interviews and secondary research contribute to our understanding of the full range of procurement opportunities in the sector.
This report also provides recommendations pulled from research to help companies build upon current practices and to encourage consideration of Aboriginal businesses as viable suppliers. It examines the benefits of having an Aboriginal procurement strategy and provides the template for companies looking to develop an Aboriginal procurement strategy of their own.