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August 12, Ottawa, ON—Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) announced a new project today that will foster constructive dialogue and increase awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace. The project will develop an educational outreach program to communicate strategies for addressing and preventing sexual harassment.

EHRC’s recent study Leadershift: Pathways to Gender Equity identified that women’s experiences in the electricity sector differ from that of their male colleagues. A significantly higher percentage of women than men report that they have experienced harassment, violence or bullying in the workplace at least monthly in the last five years.

This project will build on EHRC’s years of work tackling gender discrimination in the electricity sector through the Leadership Accord on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

The project outcomes will equip employers with clear and meaningful policies, procedures and practices aimed at fostering a respectful and harassment-free work environment. EHRC will create multiple training and learning resources for both employees and employers. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of fostering trusting relationships among peers who have also faced similar barriers, EHRC will develop a safe space mentoring tool that will increase women’s access to experienced mentors and sponsors.

“In an industry that has had challenges in providing employment and advancement opportunities for women, creating safe spaces and structures for having open and honest discussions will go a long way to fostering truly inclusive workplaces,” said Michelle Branigan, CEO of EHRC.


About EHRC

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is Canada’s most trusted source of objective human resources information and tools to help the Canadian electricity industry match workforce supply and demand. EHRC is a not-for-profit organization helping to keep the lights on in Canada by enabling a world-class workforce for the entire electricity industry.


Jenna Moore
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
613-235-5540 ext. 228