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Alberta, Canada

Are you a STEM student in Alberta who’s eager to kick-start a career in the electricity sector — but don’t know where to start? A career in this industry can be rewarding, especially when you can tap into an avenue that accentuates your unique skill set, interests, and long-term goals. Here are five reasons to consider pursuing a career in electricity:

  1. Extensive career paths 
    • A career in the electricity sector isn’t limited to becoming an electrician. From Power Plant Operators to Renewable Energy Technicians, to Systems Operators, to Director of Marketing, there is no shortage of engaging opportunities. 
  2. Exponentially increasing job security 
    • As the need for renewable and clean energy continues to grow, the electricity sector continues to offer stable and rewarding career opportunities to professionals for years to come. Coal phase-out, changes in oil demand, and the rapidly falling costs of renewable resources account for some of the industry’s most significant changes, resulting in increased job supply and long-term security. 
  3. Gain transferable skills
    • As the sector shifts from fossil fuels to clean energy systems, the workforce’s skill requirements and qualifications will follow suit. Individuals with STEM-related work experience and degrees are equipped with the foundational skills that make transferring within the industry relatively simple. Having both the necessary technical and soft skills to move within the industry is vital to an individual’s professional development. From fostering communication and problem-solving skills to providing leadership training; this is an industry that is destined to grow with abundant career opportunities. 
  4. Variety of work environments
    • Day-to-day operations look different for each industry professional, which may also include varying work environments. As a Dam Safety Engineer, you could find yourself on a new construction site one day, reviewing a dam’s foundation another, and closing out your week in the office with a critical internal meeting – the versatility is endless, keeping mundane weeks at bay. 
  5. Endless training and support 
    • In the electricity sector, climbing the ladder is possible — and encouraged! Your leaders have been in your shoes and know the job inside and out, allowing them to provide exceptional training and pave the way for your career growth. 

Looking for more information on a desired career path within the industry? EHRC’s Driving Careers Program has the insights you need to jumpstart your career path on the right foot. From Safety Engineers to System Controllers, there are a number of avenues that will provide you with a rewarding career. Let industry professionals tell you about the various career paths to explore and learn how you can illuminate your future by visiting