Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) Announces Job Portal, New Funding and Resources to Recruit and Retain Newcomers to Fill Critical Labour Shortages in Canada’s Electricity Industry
June 9, 2022. Ottawa, Ontario—Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is opening a new segment of its national Job Board and launching new funding and resources for employers to recruit and retain internationally trained workers for workplace opportunities in Canada’s electricity sector.
Labour demand shortages across the electricity sector continue to dominate industry concerns and priorities. Canada’s electricity sector is currently facing significant labour shortages for trades people, engineers, technicians, technologists as well as a wide array of other positions such as HR, finance, legal, IT, customer service, business development and sales. This labour gap will grow more critical as the industry addresses more frequent severe weather incidents, high vehicle and demand loads driven by increased electrification, and as our sector transitions to help achieve Canada’s net-zero emissions target.
Welcoming All Newcomers Into Rewarding Careers in Canada’s Electricity Sector
Newcomers to Canada represent a significant and highly motivated talent force with the will, skills and competencies to fill key electricity industry positions and strengthen workforce diversity. EHRC’s new initiatives include access to an online national job board where they can connect with employers, as well as financial incentives and resources for employers to help recruit and welcome newcomers into the workplace, including professional skills training and mentorship guides.
Canada’s Electricity Sector Launches Jobs and Resources for Ukrainians
“As Ukrainians stand firm in their courage, bravery, defiance and unwavering resilience—the electricity sector stands with Canadians who continue to answer the call for urgent help by supporting families fleeing fear and aggression, to make Canada their new home,” states Michelle Branigan, CEO, EHRC. “Matching the many skilled Ukrainian professionals arriving in Canada with job vacancies in the electricity sector will help fill critical labour shortages as our industry continues to experience significant growth and innovation. Electricity employers have mobilized quickly to post jobs and welcome newcomers into the workplace, into our communities and into our hearts.”
Please click here to:
- Post jobs and access helpful resources to help recruit and integrate newcomers into the workplace (electricity employers and industry partners)
- Access many and varied job types, including trades people, engineers, technicians, technologists as well as HR, accounting and IT professionals in Canada’s electricity sector (newcomers to Canada, Canadians)
- In development: Lifeline Ukraine—offering comprehensive support information, including healthcare, schools and community services (Ukrainian newcomers), developed in partnership with key Ukrainian immigration and newcomer services
- Coming soon—heartfelt impact stories detailing welcoming experiences by employers and newcomers
EHRC would like to acknowledge and thank the Canadian electricity sector employers committed to hiring Ukrainian refugees:
ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit
Colleges and Institutes Canada
Evolugen by Brookfield Renewable
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries
Toronto Metropolitan University [Ryerson]
University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering
Welland Hydro Electric System Corp.
New Wage Subsidies Available for Employers to Recruit and Retain Foreign-Trained Professionals
Welcoming Newcomers is a new EHRC wage subsidy program to support employers as they recruit professionally skilled, internationally trained workers including Ukrainians and other nationalities. A four-month internship, with a wage subsidy of up to 50% to a maximum of $10,000, is available to eligible employers — please click here (electricity employers) for more information.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program.
About EHRC’s Leadership Accord on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Building a culture of inclusion requires intention and commitment. Currently in its fifth year, EHRC’s Leadership Accord on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a public commitment by over 100 Canadian employers, including electricity industry employers and beyond—educators, unions, associations and governments to advance, integrate and prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion into their organization’s policies, processes, culture, and workplace environment.
About Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)
EHRC (Electricity Human Resources Canada) is Canada’s most trusted source of objective human resources information and tools to help the Canadian electricity industry match workforce supply and demand. Canada’s electricity industry is comprised of the organizations that lead the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. EHRC is a not-for-profit organization helping to keep the lights on in Canada by enabling a world-class workforce for the entire electricity industry.
Media Contact:
Karen Tremblay, Marketing and Communications Manager
Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)
T: 613-235-5540 ext. 241 / tremblay@electricityhr.ca